My Journal - Week 33 (03Apr10)
Look who's standing tall!!
A few weeks back I posted a picture of Hunter being helped to stand by Aunty Jane (at the baby shower), and ever since we have been watching him get stronger and stronger, and wanting to stand by himself! I have to say, the Jumperoo has done wonders with helping Hunter to develop such strong leg muscles. Today Hunter grabbed a hold of the Ottoman and stood there by himself holding on to it! I tried to get a repeat performance tonight - but it isn't quite as stable as what he did earlier today.
With that in mind, I decided to post a few (okay more than a few...) pictures of him standing up with us holding on to his arms and him holding onto the furniture!
[Look at me - wait, what's over there?]
[Okay, now I will look at you!]
[Ha! I laugh for my Mommy!]
[I can stand on the table also!]
[I want to wave at you Mommy!]
[Ohhh! The furniture again?]
[Look Ma, no hands!]
[Oh yeah, hands are better....]
[Really? More pictures??]
[Mama, I am getting tired out now!]
[I hate these PJ's - Why did you take us all out in our PJ's?]
I hope that you all love these pictures! Hunter is such a happy baby, wanting to grow up so fast, and trying to get going! Next time I will try to get it on video camera. We are still working on the crawling... that is kind of going wonky! I bet Hunter will be one of these who decides "no crawling" - just go straight to walking! He has backed up, and he can turn himself around, but when he wants to go forward, he raises his arms up and rocks on his belly - (looks very much like a seal out of water...) it's almost like he decided that in order to go forward, someone will lift him up and take him there! (Thus the raising of the arms while on his belly!) Ha, smart lil' gaffer!
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