My Journal - Week 147 (23Jun12) Blog Photo Changes
A few people have told me that WTOH (Welcome to Our House) needed an updated photo of Hunter - since he's no longer a baby. I procrastinated, hemmed and hawed about changing the image, known affectionately to so many as "Hunter's first smile caught on camera"... but after nearly 3 years, I decided it was time for that change.
One other reason for change (besides the obvious) I am now a "PHOTOGRAPHER" and the image I had on the site was not doing my now specific talent any justice, so it was time to say goodbye to the old photo. It's hard for me, I don't do well with letting go (of photos). My mother and I were just discussing earlier today, how I have probably kept every single image ever taken of my children, moreover - I had processed EVERY single image at Blacks and Costco, having in the past come home with several boxes (and I mean SEVERAL boxes) of photos because I couldn't bare to just leave out that one image. What did it do for me? Nothing, except to ease my mind that they would never be lost or deleted, however there they sit... in those same boxes. Poor me! I did originally have good intentions - to put every single one of those images into a photo album or two; ya I know, more like 100.... To date, I have over 16,000 (yep, sixteen thousand) photos of my family. It's sad. I OFFICIALLY DESERVE the title of Mommarazzi.
Anyhow, these days - I have learned to just let go of those NOT so pretty photos. I have started to actually DELETE while on the camera, without having ever downloaded. It was a tough lesson to learn and follow, but the reality is, there's just not enough hard drives on this planet available to accommodate my obsessive photo storage habits!
So, go appreciate and applaud my efforts for change. Please stare obsessively at my new title photo, and at least if that is done, I will have felt it worth while to make the change. Just note, the photo I placed up top was chosen carefully but accidentally! It's definitely weird, because there was no way I would change out the photo and not have a very specific and amazing progressive photo to replace it. So - it's very ironic, because this photo happened very accidentally. I did a mini photo shoot of Hunter today (generally I do this nearly everyday) - I took about 20 photos (not bad) just for fun in the kitchen. It was very casual and candidly unplanned (camera happened to just be sitting there....) I do this sort of thing each day, not knowing what will come about. I don't always want something arranged or planned - the more candid the better. So the fact that I ended up obtaining something that was highly appropriate for the blog was really a miracle! I hope you all can see why I chose this one. If you recall the original photo, Hunter as a 3 month old was wearing a pair of baby (blue) sunglasses and smiling! How cool is it that here he is, 2 and a half years later, taking them off - to revel himself so to speak! I highly doubt I could have planned it any better. In fact, I know I couldn't. I can always pretend though!
Anyhow, that sure is a whole lot to say about changing out (what seemed to be) a timeless photo. I hope you all like it. Next time, I'll opt for an actual family/sibling photo. And for those of you who might ask why I didn't use a Hunter & Hayleigh photo, it was definitely part of my original plan (for when I got the nerve to do the change) to have Hayleigh in it, but there was my original thought that this blog was generally about Down syndrome. However; in the blog's evolution, it's become more about the whole family and Down syndrome, so the next change (which will be very soon) will have both of them. Definitely cuter that way too.
Cheers everyone!
A preview of the next possible photo:
Hayleigh & Hunter 14Jun12 Home Photo Shoot |
Oh and PS - For those of you fans who get this blog emailed or in RSS... YOU actually will have to VISIT THE BLOG ONLINE to SEE the NEW UPDATED PHOTO... (SMILE)!!
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