My Journal - Week 18 (23Dec09)
Last night we took Hunter for his first "Santa" picture. We knew we would probably have to wait, but we didn't realize just how long it takes to wait, especially when the mall takes free pictures & videos! I suppose it wasn't too bad, we waited in line a total of 1 hour.
[Hunter is bored in line waiting for Santa]
So, wait we did, and when we finally get up there, and I start thinking to myself, I hope Hunter doesn't have a melt down.... We were lucky to get a few pictures of Hunter alone with Santa, and a couple of family shots before the "melt down" occurred. All I have to say is it's a good thing Santa's beard was not attached for real, or the handful that Hunter had, would probably have hurt!
[Hunter sitting with Santa, not too sure about it though!]
[Family pose with Santa - Hunter looking bewildered!]
Now I can say, we are officially done with "prepping" for Christmas. All we have to do now is wait for the big day. All the presents are bought, wrapped and all but four sets delivered. (Which reminds me - Don't you want your gift Oliver?!) I hope everyone will be pleased with their presents, and if by some off chance they are not, I'm sorry to say, Hunter picked them out....
If by some miracle I happen not to post anything before the "big" day - which I highly doubt would happen - (more like in case some of you do not get the chance to read any more posts before Christmas because you are super busy), Merry Christmas!
And just because every moment is a cute moment caught on film, here is Hunter exploring Daddy's face later last night after getting home from taking Santa pictures.....
[I got your nose & chin Daddy - it's not white like Santa's...]
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