My Journal - Week 19 (01Jan10)

"Happy New Year!"

This is Hunter's first 'New Years', kind of quiet - but spent with family.  It's really very neat when you think about it, all these firsts, but even more ironic is the fact that life is all about firsts.  I personally did not make any new years resolutions, but I always think to myself - I would like to live a life worth living.  I think that those are words everyone should live by, and also to remember how good my life is, despite any hardships I think I may be facing.

[Hunter all smiles for New Years!]

[A kiss for Mommy 5 minutes after midnight]

[Dancing with and kissing Mommy during the countdown]

I hope that everyone enjoyed 2009, for me there were several wonderful events.  (As I am half Chinese I think it is important to note that this year was the year of the OX and coincidentally I happen to also be an OX.  Being that it was "my" year, it stands to reason why it was such a good year for me.) The first and most significant event to me was Hunter's birth - and how wonderful that my Son and I will now share the same sign.  Also just as significant was my wedding day.  25th of July 2009, a wonderful day that I will never forget.  (I am truly blessed that I have such a wonderful husband who is my soul-mate and partner in life.)  In addition my one cousin got married and my other cousin got engaged.  I learned that two of my other cousins were pregnant, and one other had a baby girl in June - so Hunter will have lots of cousins around the same age to spend time playing and growing up with.  I was also lucky enough to have made a new girl friend who is exactly like me.  She is like the sister I never had, and has been completely invaluable when it comes to experiences that we laugh, share and talk about.  Now that's a best friend.  Thanks Hun, for all the past, present and future advice for Hunter and also for me.  I hope I have been to you, a fraction of how good you are to me.

Well 2010, you have large boots to fill but I am sure that each event will be memorable and remarkable.  I hope that I am starting off well by getting an article I wrote published.  The article is actually from the beginning part of my book that I am writing, and its debut is supposed to be right about now.  I will update everyone when I find out more.  Keep your eyes peeled, as it is hopefully going to be in our local newspapers.

And to keep in the spirit, I have changed the look of my blog, (yes again) to browns and blues.  So I hope that everyone enjoys the new look - feel free to leave a comment after the post below.  (I am always trying to keep it fresh, so make sure you keep looking and visiting!) - HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!


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