My Journal - Week 52 (18Aug10)
I Have Down syndrome, What Does That Mean?
Publication UPDATE:
Many of you know that I have published some books, and my latest publication, "I Have Down syndrome, What Does That Mean?" is just about ready to ship. I originally posted that I had a discounted promotional price for the book which was available until the 15th of August. I wanted to update everyone to announce that I am extending the special price until the end of August. Anyone who orders the book before September 1st will receive the discounted promotional price. I have had a good response with orders and I hope that I continue to receive more. (All orders are directed through PayPal for everyones security.)
To order/purchase my latest publication - "I Have Down syndrome, What Does That Mean?" see links:
or in my publications page:
And if I can complete my new website in time and get it ready before the shipment arrives, you can also order from that site: or
Officially I just heard from my publisher who called to advise me that there was a printing problem with my books and because he wanted to ensure that my books were of the utmost highest quality, he had the printing redone. This changed the shipment of my books to the 25th of August instead of the 18th, which was today. With that in mind, I have extended the promotional price. So, this little delay for me may be putting me out a few days but will be your good fortune should any of you plan to order the book this week!
Also, I am still open to receiving submissions for my fourth book, and my new website "Welcome to Our House". If anyone is interested in still submitting for the fourth book & new website, I do require those submissions ASAP. I currently have over 40, but will accept more for review and possible inclusion until the end of this week.
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