My Journal - Week 61 (21Oct10)

Pregnancy and MTHFR....

I wanted to post a quick update for those of you who wanted to know what has been happening with the "Pregnancy" and my genetic mutation MTHFR variant C677T.

I was able to get an appointment with my family doctor on the Tuesday at noon and I was very happy to discover that my doctor had read the research I provided him with on the treatments for MTHFR.  I was given a beta blood test to determine how much hCG was in my system (proof of pregnancy) and also a prescription for 40mg Lovenox which is a subcutaneous injection blood thinner.

The current treatment for myself (a person with MTHFR C677T variant) is a 200% increase in Folic Acid (PregVit 5), Low Dose (Baby Asprin) 81mg, a 100mg B Complex Vitamin and a daily injection of Lovenox 40mg.

I am very happy to report that I have started the treatments and I am hopeful that it will allow this pregnancy to "stick".  I received the results of my beta blood test and the hCG number was 341 mIU/ML which is a fantastic number for 17 days past ovulation (DPO).  This number, (the beta hCG) should rise by doubling every 24-48 hours.  The actual number is not as important as the fact that the hCG should be doubling/rising.  But it is a good indicator for physicians to assess if further tests or evaluations need to be given.

I still have an appointment with the Special Pregnancy High Risk Clinic at Mount Sinai hospital in Toronto - which I am told is THE best place to be referred to when diagnosed with MTHFR.  The doctor I have been referred to is the TOP specialist in this field.  My original appointment (pre-pregnancy) was scheduled for 18 Jan 2011 (Can you believe that?  A very busy clinic indeed.) but has since been moved to November or after my first early dating ultrasound between the weeks of 8-10 weeks.  It's kind of crazy and backward to been seen after such a critical time, but these are their rules and protocols.  This is why I am grateful and also thankful that my doctor has stepped up to provide me with the necessary medications in the interim.

Now, giving oneself a needle in the abdomen is not really a pleasant thing to think about, but in actuality it doesn't hurt.  For me, it's the thought of preserving this baby and getting the right medications.  It may sound kind of crazy, but I am only too happy to do it.  I have since had to update my Medical Alert to include this new medication because it is a blood thinner.  It's just one more thing that "has to be done" in order to achieve a good pregnancy.  On another note, I am happy to also report that the ONLY symptom I seem to be feeling at the moment is fatigue.  Just like my 1st pregnancy with Hunter!  How terrific is that?!

We are hopeful and wishing success this time around.  Please wish us luck!


  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome news! Take it easy {as much as is possible...which is never enough! LOL}! :)


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