My Journal - Week 73 (12Jan11)

Looks who's "Steering" all by himself!!

So it appears that if you let your baby walk all around the house, he'll eventually get that he has to steer the walker on his own!  For Christmas I bought Hunter a new walker, one that has a little more entertainment and learning to it then his first one which was great for the first steps of learning to walk with a walker.  In just two tries around our house, Hunter learned quite quickly and all by himself how to turn his V-Tech Sit to Stand train!  And I don't mean little turns, I mean huge turns which would definitely need someone to correct and steer in order for him to make a complete circle.  Now, he's literally taking off, running laps (well walking fast) around the whole first floor of our home.  We were so impressed, (probably almost as impressed as Hunter was) with this new ability!  It gives new meaning to being able to explore and learn to walk that much quicker!  I do believe this has given (or will give) Hunter that extra added confidence that he needs in order to take that first unassisted step without his "train" walker.  He's able to stand with objects in his hands and once and a while he forgets he isn't holding onto something and takes that teeny tiny step, but as soon as he realizes that he's not holding anything but his book or toy, he plops down onto his butt!  I know it will probably be sooner rather then later, and I hope that I am able to catch that wonderful moment on video!  But for now, I hope you will enjoy the three videos I was able to take consecutively of Hunter having so much fun learning to Steer and getting it!

In this first attempt Hunter needed a bit of help but you can clearly see him asking for the help!

In the second attempt you can see that Hunter has now got it and is having so much fun doing it all on his own!  But gets a bit distracted when the cat shows up!

In this last part, Hunter fully shows us that he is a pro at steering his Train - except for the "speed bumps" and the penguin waddle!  This time around I captured his "Train walk" from a rear view.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing the progress Hunter has made, as much as we are!  I can't wait for the next "steps" literally!

Stay tuned... and nope, we haven't yet settled on a girl name (quite yet) for our next bundle - but so far, it would seem that Ryleigh and Sierra are strong favourites among my support board friends.  Luckily I still have my best friend searching through thousands of names for me while we continue to see if there are any other possibilities!  (Yes, Daddy has literally given up and told me to call in the reinforcements.)


  1. Hi Sandi,
    Finally looked at Hunter's video. I am impressed...he is doing the entire circuit and turning and all (love his chatter along the way). You and John are certainly doing a good job of motivating Hunter. It just goes to show that parents have the biggest impact on a child's development and self esteem and how they are perceived by others. It is the parents who choose not to or cannot spend the time required to nurture and guide their children as needed that end up not being the losers.

    Good job you guys.


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