My Journal - Week 70 (25Dec10)
As promised, here are the highlights from Christmas day and evening!
First I wanted to post a few photos from just before Christmas that we finally took in front of our tree.
A family photo just before Christmas |
Daddy & Hunter |
Mommy & Hunter |
Our day started out with opening Christmas presents and stockings. Hunter had a great time opening and seeing all the wonderful gifts from his entire family and friends.
Look at this! What do you think it is?? |
Wow, opening gifts is a hard task but is so much fun! |
Thank goodness my Mommy helps me with opening them! |
Ah-ha! A V-Tech Sit to Stand learning train! Just what I always wanted!! |
I think opening presents was Hunter's favourite part! He looked so happy and was excited for the day! After a full day of opening presents, lunch and getting ready for the evening, we headed out to our cousins house for Christmas dinner. Here are some of the wonderful photos taken from the evening.
A wonderful feast for Christmas |
Mommy is holding me while getting us dinner so I can help choose! |
And now I got to eat most of Mommy's food!! |
I know I look like I am happy but I was very tearful here when we first arrived. |
Now I am very happy (for real). There are more presents for me?! |
WOW! A Xylophone! I am going to have so much fun! |
This Mickey Mouse shirt says, "I may be small, but I'm the boss"! So true! |
Aunty Jane got me a remote controlled Police Car! Just like my Mommy! |
Here I am trying out my new xylophone! |
My Aunty Mise got me this amazing learning toy! It shows me the alphabet! |
I wonder what is inside this?? |
What a cool book! This is a teddy bear! Here are his eyes and nose! |
And a Mickey Mouse to go with my new shirt! |
Another book! I love books! How did they know??! |
I love this Police Car! It's what my Mommy used to drive! |
What do you mean there is a reindeer in the house??! |
Ohhhhh! I am the reindeer!! Now I get it! |
It's fun to be a reindeer! Do you want to be one to? |
Clap for me Grandpa! Don't I look great?! |
And just to add something very interesting, I got an unexpected present myself for Christmas! While relaxing during our desert after Christmas dinner we all laughing and having fun playing Monopoly Deal (a family card game). Hunter had fallen asleep on my chest facing me. I suddenly felt as though he had kicked me in the lower abdomen. I wondered how how he could have kicked me when his legs were wrapped around my waist and commented about it to everyone at the table. I laid Hunter down to sleep and within the next five minutes I felt three more distinct kicks! I was feeling my very first "kicks" of this pregnancy! Without going into too much detail, during my first pregnancy I didn't feel kicks until after 18 weeks because of the location of the placenta. So, to feel them so definitively at nearly 15 weeks is such a wonderful treat.
I hope everyone enjoyed this holiday season and was able to spend it with those they love and care about.
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