A Spring Swing or two...
While the winter darkness is shedding away and the earliest signs of spring is apparently upon us there is something to be said about being able to take the kids out of the house. With nicer weather finally here (of course not yet glorious summer) it was good timing for John and I to take Hunter & Hayleigh for their first real visit (of 2012), to the small community parkette at the top of our street. Closer to home than our larger community family park yet not as conveniently close as our backyard - which for the record houses the jungle gym swing set I bought a year ago, was a good negotiation.
Here are more than one or two photos that I took... I couldn't choose which ones to post so of the 40 or more, I chose 18 of them.
Don't worry Hayleigh - Swinging is fun! |
I think she's hanging on for dear life... |
Mommy, look at me! I'm waving! |
We are swinging together. Hey - there is a rock down there... |
Haha, Hayleigh sees the rock too! |
Just two babes, having a great swing. |
I think Hayleigh loves it! |
Yes, yes she does. |
Just Hayleigh loving the swing. |
Hey Hayleigh! You have to hold on! |
Mommy had Daddy get into the fun. |
I wonder how long we are going to swing? |
Daddy loves to push us on the swing. |
Mommy said that Doctor Marks says fresh air is good for our colds, but my nose is red! |
It looks dark out, but it really isn't. Blame Mommy's camera setting. (The street lights would have been on.) |
Ahhh, that's better. Umm, I see the rock that Hayleigh was looking at on the ground! |
Daddy is squeezing us close together! A work out for Daddy but fun for Hayleigh and I! |
Well, the street lights are now on and Mommy said it was time to go home. |
Their expressions are priceless. In fact, Hayleigh's very first look was tentative and worrisome. Until Daddy pushed her. It was pure bliss and excitement from then on! I guess, there's nothing like swinging free.
And a photo that I quickly took while my MIL was over last week.
All in our Pajammies and having a great time with Nanna McWade - That's my Daddy's Mommy. |
On the Durham Down syndrome Association front, there are lots of events in the works. Upcoming will be a Porsche-Abilities Race Track day - 8th June 2012. Open to all families with kids who have special needs, this event will be something unlike any event you have ever been to for FREE!! (We are asking for a donation of a non-perishable food item only). How would you like to be a passenger in a Porsche racing car on the Mosport Raceway Track? As me more about it if you are interested in going and being a participant. Spaces are limited, so email me soon. More events also on the agenda such as Summer Literacy programs and our Annual Summer Picnic - just to name a few.
Being a member of the DDSA entitles your family to participate and receive discounts and often other various free services.
Let me know how I can help you to receive the many benefits offered to you Durham's local Down syndrome Association!
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