My Journal - Week 89 (14May11)
It's my POTTY and I will cry if I want too!!?? NOT!
If anyone knows anything about having renovations done, they will tell you it's one of the most time consuming things that will take over a huge part of their lives. I decided that before our next bundle of joy makes her entrance, I wanted to get my master bathroom shower stall renovated (despite our home only being 5 years old). Part of the reason for wanting this done was Hunter's sudden inclination to have showers and no more baths! Our existing shower stall is just not large enough for one single adult let alone an adult and a child! But without getting into the glory of destroying and uprooting your whole entire home for something perhaps so small in comparison to an entire home renovation, needless to say it has been a long couple of weeks. One week of planning and another so far of actual reno's.
So, without further ado, there's quite a bit of information that I could have been posting that I have somewhat neglected to post due to all that has been going on. Firstly, Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there! I wanted to share with you how I spent my Mother's Day. My family doctor had asked me quite some time ago if I would be interested in reading my book, "I Have Down syndrome, What Does That Mean?" to the children of his churches congregation. I readily accepted because it's something I am so passionate about. As the time neared to do this reading, he asked me if I would enjoy doing a Down syndrome presentation to the "bigger kids" (adults) of the same congregation. I was flattered and happy to do so. The date of the presentation would fall on Mother's Day and I couldn't have thought of a more apt day to do it. The presentation would revolve around my journey as a mother to be, learning about my first born coming into this world with Down syndrome. I embrace doing Ds presentations. For me, speaking in front of large groups is something that I thrive on doing. I love to speak and my passion in life has become all about advocacy, so it stands to reason why I would enjoy doing this kind of thing. I have already been privileged enough to do previous presentations so it was not something I worried about at all. The morning was perfect, the reading to the children was sweet and meaningful. But most of all, the adult presentation I did in conjunction seemed to captivate the entire audience. I think, having my star (Hunter) as my most precious part of presentation, always makes the difference. People don't have to only acknowledge what I am saying, and or have to just believe in what say but they have a real live opportunity to see and learn directly from him - because he was there, showing off as usual!
Time is quickly going by and as my pregnancy nears an end (four more weeks), as a mom I worry about how much of an effect having baby number two will be on Hunter. All parents who have a second baby go through this very specific worry, I am sure. Baby number one, who has been the centre of attention, who has been the only child during his whole existence to this point is about to be introduced to a new little family member. It's not the same worry when you have a third child, and while there are unique challenges every addition, this one I believe is the most mentally concerning for your first child. As a result there has been a lot of strategical planning that I know in my heart, no amount can prepare us for. Part of this planning is why I thought and decided to introduce Hunter to his Potty! I don't expect him to be potty trained in a short time, and especially with baby coming, I know that many things will likely take a back seat, but I figured making a first introduction can't hurt. Last night before Hunter's shower, I busted out his brand new potty and decided to see what would happen when we put him on it and asked him to do his Pee-Pee. Would you believe, within 30 seconds of sitting him on it, and telling him to do his Pee-Pee, he did! I can't say how amazed I was. No amount of descriptive words can tell you how elated I was that my little man did his business on command!! I know that Hunter takes his cues from how pleased I am when he does something new and accurate. I only wish I had thought (once again) to record the moment, but I guess there has to be some shreds of dignity left for my son when he's an adult! Now, again as I mentioned, I don't expect my boy to "hop to it" and be fully trained in a short time (and perhaps I should have some expectations) but the reality is, it's a beginning and the expectations I have are that when baby comes, Hunter may backtrack or regress a bit/a lot in spite of a new addition. So, I think I am prepared for which ever reality occurs, or have told myself to be.
And while this post has become somewhat long in all the catch up, I decided to post Hunter's last two swimming lessons in a separate next post. So, check back in a bit for the updated videos of Hunter's on going swimming lessons. Which, if I may say so - have been absolutely wonderful. I also decided that we will be continuing his lessons and I have renewed another 11 weeks despite the more expensive cost. His progress is truly evident and speaks huge volumes of why we need to continue his lessons with B&C Aquatics.

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